Sunday, May 17, 2009

Long range BPCR shoot

Our long range BPCR shoot was held on the 9th and 10th of May. We had 16 shooters on saturday and 19 on sunday. The participants were:

Gregg Simon
Ken Heier
Mark Wiechmann
Roger Buechler
Don Hubbard
Richard Dupraz
Don Wiechmann
Tom Mace
Elwyn Brunner
Morry Egna
Brad Kern
Bruce Anderson
Dean Scoggin
Linda Clendenen
Butch Clenden
Bill Clendenen
Collin Weisz
Craig Siem
Keith Erdman
Mark LeFebre
Jack Sauter
Richard Fransen

Elwyn Brunner took first place in the two day aggregate and the sunday shoot, plus second place in the saturday shoot. Linda Clendenen took first place for the saturday shoot. Bill Clendenen won second place on saturday.

A total of $560 in prize money was awarded plus prizes that included powder, caps shooting muffs, knives and other items.

Thanks to all for attending!

group photo on the left, match winners on the right.