Monday, January 31, 2011

BPCR shoot flyers

Got the shoot flyers for BPCR from Gregg in my email. Heres the links to the online PDFs.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 shoot dates added

Shoot dates for 2011 are up! thanks to Joe Scherer for passing them along.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Group on Facebook

Don't forget to join our group on facebook!!/group.php?gid=101072246610634&v=wall

Thanks for joining!

2011 Annual Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 Pm by Colin Miliken, President. there were 16 people in attendance.

Carl winterberg gave the financial report, and there was some explination and discussion on the finances.

Colin described range improvements made at both ranges over the course of the last year including covers on the smallbore range and new bathroom facilities at both ranges.

Mark LeFebre gave report on the blog and user activity. there was some discussion on pictures and content. Jeff Jensen suggested a Facebook group and Mark said he was working twoards that end, but was waiting for a current group named "Sage Brush" to expire and he would put our group up as soon as possible. There was some other discussion on the lack of cooperation from local newspapers with our club, with many members echoing the sentiment they felt shorted by the papers lack of interest in our club, vs other sports in the area.

Discussion was held on the yearly bonus to the cooks. Same as last year it was voted for a bonus of 100$ and the money was awarded on the spot.

Carl brought up a financial point about how the IRS handles small clubs like ours. To the knowledge of all present our club was expemt from all requirments.

Kelly Landis brought up a point that some shooters at both the Lever and Military championship had driven some distance and had said it would be nice if they were on the same weekend, one on saturday and one on sunday. There was discussion on this and the club voted to make it so.

There was discussion on the outcome and quality of this years Honor Flight Shoot. All present agreed it was a good benificiary of our help and it was voted to do again for the next season.

Jeff Jensen then discussed getting representatives from our state government to visit and participate in our shoots. There was significant discussion who and when to invite them. club voted to invite whomever was interested in coming.

Doug Delori then gave a report on the Northern Oahe Sport Fest that was held last season. He described activities that went on including field dressing a deer, fishing, rimfire shooting, shotgun shooting, waterfowl hunting and other outdoor activities. He reported there had been very good response from all parites involved and thanked all there who had helped make it an excellent expierience. The club voted to do it again next year and Jeff jensen reported he had talked to Freinds of NRA TV about coming ot next years sport fest to shoot video. He said we were on a tentative list of shooting locations, but nothing concrete yet. he said he would keep up on it and let us know any further developments.

Kelly and Colin then brought up insurance for weather damage to the ranges. Kelly and Colin said they would look into cost and availability.

There was some discussion on making windguards for the shooting positions at the high power range. There was discussion about cost and design. Kelly and Colin will look into them and study the feasibility of such.

Discussion was held on the subject of junior shooters using rest bags during shoots. Last season there was some discontent at this fact, and significant discussion time was denoted to this subject. THe club decided that keeping juniors interested was paramount and the following rule be followed at all shoots.

age 10 and under - may use bags at all stations
age 11 - 1 station offhand, 3 staions bags
age 12 - 2 stations offhand, 2 stations bags
age 13 - 3 stations offhand, 1 station bags
age 14 and above - all offhand

Ther was some discussion on how the NRA formats match bulletins and how our clubs shoots would be included on them.

Kelly Landis brought up our clubs affiliation with the CMP needing renewed. It is a 30$ fee. Kelly described the 10% discount on purchases our club recives through this and it was unanimously voted to renew. kelly is the designated contact person for all CMP matters pertaining to the club.

Gene Cox gave a short report on a donation to the library fund.

Carl notified the club he would be stepping down as the club treasurer. A replacment was discussed and nominations were held. Joe Scherer was nominated and unanimously approved. Carl acted as treasurer for teh remainder of the meeting. Joe asked to be added to teh signature card for the bank account and all present approved.

Colin then suggested next year (funds allowing) making the annual meeting a supper event. he discussed whathe thought could be done for food and other items. ALl thoguht it a good idea as long as there were proper funds available.

Kelly Landis discussed getting a NRA instructor into the area to train and certify some of us as NRA certified firearms instructors. Kelly said there is a chance we could get an instructor come to Pierre and put on a classs if we could get enough people together to cover the cost. There was discussion on the need for a local concealed carry class that shoehorned in with the need for an NRA instructor to run it. Kelly and Jeff Jesen said they would keep up with this issue. There was also discussion on the rise in pistol shooters and the possibility of adding some sort of pistol course to the club.

Kelly Lanids discussed the sucess of the 2010 NRA calenders and reported the 2012 calender pictures were almost complete.

At this time Gregg Simon asked about the club buying a commercial style mower to help maintain the ranges. Currently it is done by members with personal equipment. Gregg expressed that he thought that, while this approach worked, the club should be proactive in maintenance issues as our club is the "cleanest and neatest" of all teh clubs he visits, and he would like to see that continue. He felt that perhaps a club owned mower would be a solution to keeping our clubs appreance top notch. There was discussion on type and cost, and kelly said he would check into costs of ATV or tractor mounted mowers.

There was discussion on expanding the covered areas at the high power range. Kelly led the discussion with plans for further covered areas similar to what is there now. All presnt thought further covered areas a good idea, as long as appropriate funds were available.

There was discussion on the length of the smallbore championship held at teh Timber Lake range. Some competitors found it "too long a day" in its current configuration. There was some further discussion and it was deicded to have all the smallbore competitors discuss it and make a decision at one fo the smallbore shoots, to have the most people invovled as there werent many smallbore shooters present.

Scheduling of the next seasons shoots was discussed. It was decided to keep the same format as last years shoots and Kelly had the majority of them preplanned and laid out. Schedule will be forthcoming.

Colin thanked everyone for coming and hoped we have a good season ahead of us.

Metting was adjorned at 8:35PM.

Thanks all for attending the meeting even though we did have some bad weather we had a good turnout! I will post the schedule as soon as i get it and any other updates.

If anyone has photos, video or other items they would like posted, email them to me at and ill be sure to get them on.

Thanks again and lets have a good season of shooting fun!