Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 annual meeting

Great meeting this weekend everybody! We had 21 attendees including plenty of familiar folks some new faces as well.

Meeting was called to order at 6:25 PM by Colin Miliken. Joe Scheerer gave the treasurers report and answered a couple questions about the current expenses.

Officers were then elected, with all staying the same. Colin miliken as president and Joe Scheerer as Secretary treasurer.

Colin then gave descriptions of new construction at the high power range, and thanked all those who had been able to help with that.

Doug DeLaRoi gave a report on the 2011 Oahe sport fest. Friends of the NRA TV had been there and the program is set to air sometime in Feb 2012. 68 kids of 70 registered attended and they would like to expand to 80 kids next year. There was much discussion on the 2012 sport fest including grants for guns and supplies, scheduling, changing content and adding additional stations. Doug thanked all those that had been able to volunteer to help.

Jeff Jensen and Doug also gave a presentation on the “women on target” program to help get new women shooters to range. There wil be a spring shoot scheduled, and a grant for guns has been applied for, specifically for this project.

Justin Loesch was present to thank all involved for the funds he received for the VA van. The 2011 honor flight shoot funds had been reassigned to this after the honor flight program was completed prior to the Sage Brush funds getting to them. Members discussed continuing the veterans shoot to benefit the VA van. Gene Cox suggested dontations to the beed battalion that feeds deploying troops steak dinners. There was much discussion on the issue and it was tabled until the end of the meeting to give all a chance to think on it.

Colin made note of and thanked the South Dakota game fish and parks for allowing Sage Brush to use several aluminum picnic tables at the high power range.

Mark LeFebre gave a report on the status of the blog and Facebook page for the club. Both are up and running, and Mark is going to put up posters of some sort at the range this spring to increase awareness of the sites. Mark also discussed difficulties getting local news outlets to show any interest in the club or shooting sports in general. The newspapers have shown zero interest, however the local radio station has given good coverage and we will continue to pursue those avenues. Many other members expressed disatisfaction at the treatment of the club by the local papers.

Club membership fees were discussed at length. Several members were opposed to raising fees while others felt it prudent. There was much discussion and some dissention on this subject. Also discussed was the continuation of membership in the SDSSA and NRA. Members voted to increase the yearly membership fee to 30$, and tabled discussion on memberships with SDSSA and NRA until next year so as to discuss the issue with those not present.

Voluntary turn back of prize money was discussed. Some were in favor of doing away with cash prizes due to most people turning them back, however the prize payback was left as-is, as a voluntary payback allows each winner to make their own decision as to what to do.

Match scheduling was discussed and would be figured at the conclusion of the meeting.

Bonuses for the cooks were discussed and voted on. Same as last we gave the cooks a 100$ bonus.

At this time we discussed some options for shoots in the “off season” including winter and fall shoots. Jeff Jensen talked about a semi-formal Rimfire shoot akin to the Ruger Rimfire Challenge to be scheduled during the evening next summer to encourage youth and adults who may not participate in other shoots to get interested in the sport. Jeff wanted to associate the Sage Brush club with the shoots and we voted to make it so.

At this time we propsed and voted on the funds distribution for the 2012 Veterans shoot. It was voted to hold one shoot to benefit the VA van as it helps our local vets a great deal. A second shoot would be held to benfit the beef battalion program, to be scheduled at a later date.

Alan Johnson put forward a plan to have a 2012 season long aggregate score winner of the lever action and military shoots. He also donated a limited edition sculpture to be given to the shooter with highest score for the season. All present thought this was a great idea.

Meeting concluded with thanks for all those that had helped during the year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Thanks for all those that could attend. We had a great get together!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Annual meeting is this Sunday, 6PM central, 5 PM mountain at teh trail city community hall. See you there!